The answers

I don’t know the answer.

I don’t know the answers.


But do I need to?  I am open minded enough to following the signs… wherever they appear.


From what I read about letting go of outcomes, material belongings, things and focussing on feelings and being. (The Universe has your Back, Gabrielle Bernstein)


To the book that lands in my book called ‘Get Happy’.  A sign.  A signpost to follow.


From what I read about finding the ultimate source happiness being inside us, regardless of the chaos or suffering around us.  (Archibishop Tutu’s words in the Book of Joy).


To walking moments later into the hotel gym to hear M People singing the words ‘You’ve got to search for the hero inside yourself, search for the secrets you hide.’  A sign.  Advice to follow.


From what I heard on my audiobook about mind mastery and opposition thinking, proving negative thoughts hold no power if the minute you are aware of them, you replace it with a good one.  For it you let a negative thought in, it grows, expands and takes over.  A sign.  Awareness brought to life.


To discussions this evening with our therapist, on how to move forward and how to deal with my ‘triggers’ of bad memories through NLP practices.


I don’t know the ultimate answer.

But I can follow the signs to help me towards the answer.


Although sometimes they can be conflicting…


Within less than a minute, 2 quotes pop up on my pinterest board:


It’s all about the first person you want to tell good news to.’  The Big Man.  A sign in his favour.


And then..


The saddest end to a relationship is one where you have to break up with somebody when you’re still in love with them.  It sounds bizarre but it happens, because the truth is, as powerful and as thrilling as it may be, being in love doesn’t always mean you’re happy.  You can continue to love someone even after they’ve hurt you, but you know deep inside that it won’t ever be the same again.’  The Big Man.  A sign against our future together.


Conflicting signs.  Although perhaps just a sign to remind me, that I don’t need to know the answer yet, as there is no clear one.


And in that, there lies the sign, the current answer.  Stay in the moment.


Stay on the precarious edge of not looking back for fear of sinking back down in pain to my rocky bottom, at the same time as not looking so far in the future for fear of vertigo and of how much further I need to climb.





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